❗️UPDATED EMAIL❗️ The formatting of the last email was all messed up, I am so sorry! We had some technical difficulties 😂 Here's how it's supposed to look: Dear Photographer (and Creative), Whether you consider yourself a photographer or not, pleeease take photos of EVERYONE you love. I laid my father to rest last month. I spent 2 weeks designing his funeral program. Mostly because the design options that the funeral director showed us were ugly 😂 Here's how it turned out. I also spent those...
3 months ago • 2 min read
Pricing Series: Pt. 2 How To Charge The Right Price Today we’re going over what you should be charging for your photography…with REAL numbers to go off of. Before we jump in... Know what your skill level is, and be real with yourself. A great way to do this is to look up 5 photographers in your niche and compare your skill level to their skill level. Not in a degrading way, but analyze and be honest about where you are as a photographer—beginner, intermediate, or professional. And then charge...
5 months ago • 2 min read
Pricing Series: Pt. 1 Let’s talk about how to NOT be the cheapest photographer on the block Definition of 'cheap': Low in price Inexpensive Depreciated in value Of inferior quality or worth Examples of Cheap Behavior: Charging $250 for a 2-hour photoshoot and 30 edited photos Going over time in a photoshoot and not charging the client extra (guilty! 🖐🏽) Editing a photo 3 more times when the client asks for more revisions, and you don't charge them enough or charge them at all Matching or...
5 months ago • 3 min read
Hey dude! Let me tell you about a lesson I learned over the weekend. You have to subtract...before you add! 😂 My math isn't correct according to PEMDAS but stay with me! I went clothes shopping on Black Friday. I'm not the type to participate in Black Friday, but I've recently lost weight so I had to get new clothes. I'm a "this will do" type of person when it comes to clothes. Most of my clothes are "functional" rather than fashionable, black (probably because I'm a photographer), and I've...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
Hey dude! Do you ever hear people online say "You have to give lots of valuable content to grow on social media!" but you have no idea what to post about in the first place? Yeah, I've dealt with that a lot. Enough times to know what the solution is! It all starts with your personal brand. A personal brand is your reputation (i.e. the thing you're known for). It's also: The personality behind your content The reason why people follow you What makes people buy from you A successful brand stems...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
Hey Friend! I hope you had a great weekend 😊 So lately I’ve been reflecting on 3 things: Creativity Being an artist And boring tasks When it comes to the things we enjoy, there will always be something we have to do that’s not so enjoyable. For me, I love doing studio photoshoots. But editing is my not-so-enjoyable thing in my passion for photography. BUT I know I can think of a creative way to enjoy the editing process. For example, I got creative with this photo from a recent session and...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
Hey dude, Let's talk about passion! Everyone is passionate about something. And if you're not passionate about anything, I would put "not yet" at the end of that sentence because we all eventually have something that gets us fired up! But it can get complicated when the thing you love to do now has the responsibility of making you money. Passion is beautiful. It’s the fire that drives us in our work. It keeps us up late at night with excitement. It gives us a sense of fulfillment when...
over 1 year ago • 3 min read
Thank you! Thank you to everyone who responded to the newsletter from last week! I asked you guys several questions and the feedback I've received has been surprisingly wholesome and affirms what I'm writing to you is helpful. I'll be sure to include more tips and strategies in future content based on the topics you guys want to know more about. Let's talk about fear. I don't celebrate Halloween, but it's a funny coincidence that this is the topic of today's newsletter. Lately, I've been...
over 1 year ago • 3 min read
Hey dude! I started a new book and I'm...shook. It's called REWORK by Jason Fried and David Heinmeier Hansson. It shows a better and easier way to succeed in business, but I think this book can help ANYONE as an adult. They debunk so many misconceptions and belief systems in business like being a workaholic. That chapter hit home, I felt like the book was "reading" me! Lol Plus, my ADHD brain LOVES it! The chapters are simple 2-3 pages, the letter spacing makes reading much more enjoyable,...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read