Hey dude!
I started a new book and I'm...shook.
It's called REWORK by Jason Fried and David Heinmeier Hansson.
It shows a better and easier way to succeed in business, but I think this book can help ANYONE as an adult.
They debunk so many misconceptions and belief systems in business like being a workaholic. That chapter hit home, I felt like the book was "reading" me! Lol
Plus, my ADHD brain LOVES it!
The chapters are simple 2-3 pages, the letter spacing makes reading much more enjoyable, their wording is so easy to understand, and the illustrations?!
Yes. Just, yes. To all of it. ❤️
The chapter that really got me was called "Scratch Your Own Itch."
It was so good I had to share my thoughts on it with you guys!
To sum up the 2-page chapter, they talk about how the easiest way to create a great product or service is to make something you want to use.
When building a product or service, you make hundreds of little decisions.
If you're solving someone else's problem, you're constantly guessing in creating the solution. (i.e. market research, study competition, etc.)
But if you're solving your own problem, you KNOW what the right answer is.
As I reflected on this chapter, I realized I've built things with the intention of solving my own problems.
Or in other words, "scratching my own itch."
Which ultimately ends up helping other people!
In writing newsletters for Content Gold, I'm solving my problem of lack of knowledge and understanding first. I imagine I'm emailing 20-year-old me.
Sometimes I pretend I'm emailing the version of myself from last week!
I write these newsletters because I know it can get lonely while running a business, having a creative mind, and being a content creator.
I WISH I was connected to someone with the same multi-passionate ambitions and creativity as me when I was younger!
If you're like me, you're a rare person to meet too.
Especially when you don't have a community of like-minded people.
And with that comes the responsibility of learning everything your creative mind desires on your own.
I know I'm not alone in this world.
I also know the brutal reality of "you don't know what you don't know" when you have big dreams and no clue on what actions to take.
So I write these newsletter pieces for past me, for you, and for other creatives who need help and a sense of community.
Scratch your own itch!
Also, I have a big favor to ask:
I'd like to get some feedback from you!
I want to know your thoughts, opinions, concerns, and requests for future content.
When you have free time, I'd love it if you could reply to this email answering any (or all) of these questions!
That's all for this week!
Talk soon,
P.S. Thank you to my boyfriend/business partner for having faith in me, for dreaming big with me, and for making this journey not so lonely anymore.
Love you to life, Adran. ❤️
Artist & Photographer 🎨📸| I teach entrepreneurs how to monetize their creativity!✨
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